My Ideal Future Self.

ayush g
2 min readAug 7, 2020

The year is 2026 hopefully the corona has left we don’t have flying cars yet but we do have me. This is 2020 Ayush describing his future self. No one knows where I live maybe a small village in Italy or I’m soaking in the Cali sun. I’m no longer broke and can live and work from anywhere I want. I’m someone who is confident, has a lot of self-esteem, and isn’t afraid of the world. I have a lot of money I don’t know what to do with so I spend my time making the world a better place helping people who are unfortunate and have been dealt an unfair hand in life.

He’s adopted a bunch of kids and a lot of pets. Things weren’t always so great for him anyone might wonder why did he hate everything about himself and his life. He no longer compares his life to others and doesn’t watch the world through Rose-tinted glasses. He no longer lives in the past regrets or overthink the future but is happy in the present. He had a brief singing career and his music was popular amongst the indie/emo kids who somehow just get his work. Now he makes most of his wealth by investing in cool business ideas.

Ayush never knew what he really wanted in life he’s never been good at anything particular or had any recognizable talent he just kept swimming and moving forward even when it didn’t make sense at all. At times he felt like he didn’t fit in now he doesn’t feel a need to blend in he’s shown the world what he always saw in himself. No one knows why we’re here or what we’re supposed to do not everyone’s dreams come true either you know what you want and don’t get it or you get what you want and now you don’t know what’s missing. Ayush 2.0 is somewhere in between.

